Living a Happier Life is a Process!
Welcome to another inspirational article! I’m excited to talk about living a happier life. However, the end goal is a process, one day at a time, you can create the life you desire my friends. Have I reached the end goal myself? No. However, I strive to walk the walk consistently. This blog has become an online journal to share my victories and failures with someone seeking answers. So, I don’t claim to be perfect, but a student of life, praying for direction daily. Therefore, I hope these words find you well and making progress in your personal development journey. Let’s talk about a few ways to help in living a happier life.
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Living a Happier Life Takes Patience!
So, let me start by saying that I’m not here to provide a quick fix for living a happier life. This requires patience that only you can possess and ultimately find a solution for. The old adage ‘hard is not bad’ is at the heart of building the life you want. Unlike a get-rich-quick scheme, living a happier life will in fact become a lifelong endeavor for all of us. Therefore, wherever you’re at in life, be patient with yourself and keep the expectations reasonable. Look at the end goal-if you have a vision-as a long, marathon race. You’re not racing against anyone but yourself. Comparison is the killer of dreams so pace yourself, enjoy the scenery and try to live in the moment. You’d be surprised what you’re able to take away from each situation and person.

A Body in Motion Stays in Motion!
You might be asking, what does a body in motion have to do with living a happier life? Well, I’m talking about maintaining an active lifestyle. So, once upon a time I was down on myself, overweight and unhappy. Basically, I looked in the mirror and wasn’t proud of what I saw. I knew deep down that I wasn’t living up to my potential. But I made some major decisions and moved towards living a happier live. I decided to start eating healthy and learned to run. At the time I was living in California and fell in love with the beach. Vitamin D that comes from the sun gave my mind a boost and a launching pad for my new life. However, it was a slow process, that didn’t happen overnight. If you want something bad enough, then go find something to live for!
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Seek Out a Spiritual Life!
Living a happier life means seeking out a spiritual one as well. But what is a spiritual life? Well, for some this could mean finding a church fellowship and relying on the congregation for support. However, you don’t necessarily need to be a church goer to develop a connection with God or a higher power. To be honest, when I got sober from alcohol, I didn’t know what spirituality was. Going to meetings, working the steps and practicing spiritual principles, allowed me to transcend my own needs and selfish desires. Repentance, making amends, looking inward, prayer and meditation, are all practices that helped me on the road to living a happier life. Check out some spiritual growth quotes to help you on your journey.

Challenge Yourself & Living a Happier Life!
It’s no secret that we humans can easily become lazy and sedentary, if you’re not consistently aware of this. Pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and challenging yourself to be better is key to living a happier life. Furthermore, there is no limbo or fence sitting. When it comes to growth, movement and progress in life, you’re either moving forward or regressing in a reverse direction. On my motivational Facebook page, I consistently encourage people to face your fears and do something that scares you daily. You’d be surprised how much growth you can make towards living a happier life through small, consistent measures. When your whole life changes, keep challenging yourself and live life without regrets!

Don’t Go It Alone!
No man is an island my friends. Successful people don’t reach the top without some help along the way. So, there’s no shame in asking for help or taking on a mentor to help you in living a happier life. I’m reminded of my early days in addiction recovery. Basically, I needed some help learning how to take on life and be sober. Who better to show a young newcomer than a seasoned veteran. Moreover, we’re all infants in some aspect of the personal development journey we’re walking. Someone will need to teach you how to crawl, then walk, then jog and so on. However, be careful to stay away from comparison to others who may be further along their journey in life. This can cause frustration and tempt many to throw in the towel.
Baby Boy on the Way Any Day Now!
Thoughts From The Author
Thanks so much again for being here and supporting this inspirational movement! If you’ve found value in the content here, I hope you’ll share it with someone in need of a boost in life. Living a happier life requires a support system so be the answer to someone’s prayers or cry in the dark. For some additional inspirational posts please check out What Men Secretly Want Guide. This article, as well as each post on this site, has come from much thought, prayer and experience. I am not an expert or master of anything. Basically, my hope is to enlighten someone out there pushing through hard times to something greater! You are powerful beyond measure so keep the faith and believe in good things to come. God bless! -The Good Guy