Keep Your Eyes to the Sky!

woman with blonde hair, wearing a yellow sweater is smiling and looking up; "keep your eyes to the sky!"; an arrow under the text

Keep Your Eyes to the Sky My Friends!

Keep your eyes to the sky is the message here today. I’m not quite sure why this phrase has been on my mind lately. Basically, going through struggles can cause a reflection on how to persevere. Furthermore, if you look around, you’ll notice that people can carry themselves differently. So, what’s the best way to go through life? Well, I would recommend holding your head high and keep your eyes to the sky. Sure, you’re still going to have to push through the pain and fear of your circumstances. However, with a confident countenance, those you come in contact won’t see you sweat, and you can even have a positive effect on others experiencing trials and tribulations.

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Keep Your Eyes to the Sky! It’s Better to Look Up!

It’s Better to Look Up!

When I encourage others to keep your eyes to the sky, I’m reminded of a talk I heard from an ecclesiastical leader. This individual tells a story about stepping on the elevator and feeling downhearted and insufficient on a particular day. However, because he was looking down, this man hadn’t realized that he wasn’t alone on the ride down. Then, a familiar voice asked him, “What are you looking at down there?”. His response was an unenthusiastic, “Oh, nothing.”. The man he knew, standing next to him on the elevator said, “It’s better to look up!”. This phrase resonated with the man, and he carried that message with him moving forward.

Jerry Seinfeld up on stage performing in front of a microphone; "Keep your head up in failure and your head down in success." -Jerry Seinfeld

Keep Your Eyes to the Sky & Look Up!

So, what’s the meaning behind the message the man received on the elevator that day? Well, some may interpret this in a spiritual manner. Looking up and to the sky is to look toward the heavens. Moreover, when doing so we can have faith and hope that God will guide us through the unsteady waters of life. Think about the body language of this man, walking on to the elevator, prior to receiving some inspired words. He lacked belief, confidence or optimism. Surely, we’ve all been in a low spot and found it difficult to see the sun rise on our uncertainties. However, when you keep your eyes to the sky and tell yourself, “It’s better to look up”, then automatically, you can feel a shift in your own abilities and God’s ability to carry your forward.

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Keep Your Eyes to the Sky & Rocky Motivation!

What If I’m Struggling To Believe?

If you’re struggling to believe, above all else, do not lose hope! If you have a trusted circle of friends or family, then reach out for support. No one has to go through the fire alone. Unfortunately, many out there are too prideful to reach for help. There’s no shame in admitting to needing help. It’s my firm belief that answers to prayers in these dark times of need often come from someone else. Moreover, this relieve could come from the most unexpected direction. As I look back on my life, it’s difficult to count the times when an outcome seemed bleak. However, I held my head high and put in the work. When I got sober back in 2007, I found myself in a low place. Although this was scary for me, one day at a time, I climbed that mountain to the life I now enjoy!

micheal jackson picture in his Bad album leather jacket; "Lift your head up high and scream to the world "I know I am someone", and let the truth unfurl." keep your eyes to the sky

So, Why Should You Listen to Me?

When you keep your eyes to the sky, you’re heading in a positive direction. Consequently, I try to walk the talk in this manner as well. If I can make it to October 7th of this year, I’ll have 17 years of sobriety. So, I’ve had to do quite a bit of personal development, through trial and error. However, I’m far from perfect and strive to be better each day. Also, I’ve been working in the behavioral health field as nurse over the last decade and have come to understand human behaviors a bit. Coupled with working the 12 steps of A.A. I’ve slowly peeled off some emotional and developmental layers. This has been a painstaking process and I continue to do so in my marriage today.

Keep Your Eyes to the Sky! Baby boy on the Way!

Keep Your Eyes to the Sky & Have Hope!

In conclusion, it’s better to look up and keep your eyes to the sky my friends. This attitude and positive body posture will help you have hope that it will all work out. Wherever you’re at and whatever you’re experiencing will all work out for your benefit if you believe. Sadly, too many out there carry themself in a manner that portrays defeat and lack of optimism. When you keep your eyes to the sky you convey confidence to the world and can have faith in a God above. Furthermore, I believe this state of mind and being will attract the right individuals into your life to promote success and garnering the blessings HE desires for you. So, believe in good things to come, live in the moment and give it your all! Just breathe!

Find Your Reasons & Keep Your Eyes to the Sky!

Thoughts From The Author

Thank you so much for being here on this site today! Keep your eyes to the sky is the message I wanted to convey. It is my hope and prayer that this will provide some inspiration to you or someone in need. Please share this with a person in a dark place, who needs a boost of enthusiasm and hope! If you’ve found value in this article, then I encourage you to check out some additional content here. Get Back Up Quotes, Keep Believing and Just Keep Moving Forward are powerful posts. Also, What Men Secretly Want Guide and Everyone is Struggling are compositions that are dear to my heart. Each sentence and paragraph have been created with much thought and consideration. Don’t quit before the miracle happens! I hope you’re doing well my friends. God Bless! –The Good Guy

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