Inspiring Hero Quotes to Share!
Welcome to another inspirational article! I’m excited to share some inspiring hero quotes with you. But what is a hero? Some might look to the big screen and think of a comic book character. Meanwhile, others may idolize a professional sports player. However, I believe a hero can come in many shapes and sizes. Growing up in a shaky, dysfunctional home, some of the heroes in my life were average Joes. Basically, individuals with the courage to step up and support a young boy trying to make it the world. So, I hope these inspiring hero quotes will cause some reflection on who the heroes are in your life story. Thanks for your support and being here. Furthermore, I encourage you to share these words with someone looking for a hero!
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Life Will Come at You Pretty Hard!
It’s hard to find more inspiring hero quotes than those of the legendary Rocky Balboa. I love to quote him often because I truly relate to him for some reason. Maybe it’s because I didn’t come from much and have had to fight for everything I have in my life. The YouTube video posted above is my favorite-I can almost rehearse it word for word. Moreover, this is one of my favorite inspiring hero quotes because Rocky simply describes what life is. It’s a “mean and nasty place”. Sadly, too many out there expect everything to come easily, without blood, sweat and tears. But you have to ask yourself, how bad do you want it? If you want to achieve your goals, then go get it! However, you can’t blame anyone but yourself for the outcomes. That will only invite bitterness my friends.

Inspiring Hero Quotes & Failures!
So, it’s come to my attention that a lot of people look at success and assume it came easily. I grew up in the era of Michael Jordan and worshipped NBA players. Therefore, inspiring hero quotes like this one from Jordan came as a surprise to me. As I grew up, learned from mistakes and did some research, I learned that success doesn’t come over night. Furthermore, even the greatest of all have had to trudge through life, experience failure after failure and encounter much doubt along the way. In high school Jordan didn’t make the varsity, but it didn’t stop him. Basically, you have to ask yourself how bad you want to achieve your goals at the end of the day. Inspiring hero quotes like this help me feel like I’m normal. I can get back up and move forward or throw in the towel and go home.

Just Keep moving Forward!
I think we can all relate to the bike analogy by Albert Einstein. He definitely belongs in a list of inspiring hero quotes because of his profound influence on society. However, try to think back on when you were a kid or just think about babies. If you fell down or failed at something, what did you do? Well, you may have cried a little bit, but you wiped the tears away and got back at your task in the moment. Heros do the same. Defeating the enemy typically requires trial and error. Also, it’s safe to say that heroes probably those moments when they’re tempted to give up too. Persevere, live in the moment and push through the pain and doubt because with contrast comes clarity. Then you can be the hero in your life story!
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Times Will Try Your Soul!
If you’re not familiar with Thomas Paine, then you’ll definitely need to read up. Basically, he was an influential figure during the American Revolutionary War. So, his profound words fit in nicely with these inspiring hero quotes. It’s when the night is darkest that you and I will be tested. Furthermore, it is in these trying moments that we will be tested and be forced to ask some important questions. Do you believe in your cause? And do you possess the constitution to push forward with faith? These are the moments in time that will define your life my friends. Who knows, maybe they’ll be sharing your inspiring hero quotes one day. Just breathe, have faith and give it your all!

Thoughts From The Author
That was awesome sharing some thoughts on these inspiring hero quotes! Whether they’re famous or just someone who silently effected your life for the better, heroes come in all shapes and sizes. And it is my hope that these inspiring hero quotes provide some motivation to keep you moving toward your goals in life. If you found value in these words today, I encourage you to check out some additional inspiring articles on this site. Rising Above Quotes, Quotes About Courage and Faith and End of the Year Quotes are powerful posts! And for more motivational content, check out Get Back Up Quotes, Spiritual Growth Quotes and Just Keep Moving Forward. Each sentence has been composed with much thought. Please have faith in the process my friends. God Bless! –The Good Guy