Best Christian Self Help Books

Intro to the Best Christian Self Help Books!

Hello, my friends. Thanks so much for being here to check out this super important article on the Best Christian Self Help Books. With so much going on out there in the world, it’s easy to become distracted and even lose your way. And this is even the case for believers. So, what do you do in turbulent, uncertain times? Well, above all you never lose hope. If you’ve delved into scripture, then you know God wins in the end. But in the meanwhile, we must traverse the mountains and valleys of life, just like any other person. On God’s earth there is much opposition, but HE didn’t leave us without tools or answers. How do you cope when difficulties come your way?

believers in a congregation raising their hands in praise, best christian self help books

If you’re on this site and reading this article, you no doubt have some street credit for navigating life. I jumped on the internet, Amazon books and Good Reads to find out what believers are reading nowadays. This article is by no means all inclusive. It merely seeks to provide some insight to providing enlightenment and peace in the chaotic world we live in. If you have some insight or want to share a book you don’t see here, please message me. Keep the faith and enjoy this article on the Best Christian Self Help Books my friends!

Disclaimer: The author of this article may receive some compensation from affiliates for the products profiled in this article titled “Best Christian Self Help Books”. Thank you for being here. Appreciate you!

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Best Christian Self Help Books: The Gifts of Imperfection

the gifts of imperfection, best christian self help books

Brene Brown is a research professor and 5-time New York Times best-selling author. Her Power of Vulnerability TED talk really put her on the map. Moreover, this talk went mainstream and super viral with over 20 million views! I’ve added the link here so, check it out in the article below. I think the themes in this book are at the heart of a Christian’s beliefs. Dealing with imperfections, even though God has said, “be ye perfect”, is a concept we all have to grapple with. And the authors emphasis on worthiness is also a spiritual concept every Christian can identify with. I’ve known many people who’ve gravitated to Brown’s literary works. These friends have ranted over the transformation Brene brought to their lives. Therefore, The Gifts of Imperfection are on my list for the Best Christian Self Help Books.

The Power of Vulnerability-Brene Brown

It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way: Finding Unexpected Strength When Disappointments Leave You Shattered

it's not supposed to be this way, best christian self help books

So, the title of this best Christian self help book appears ominous on the surface. Everyone who’s a believer of God, or not, has almost certainly posed this question at one point. I most definitely have, way more than once. Infact, if you’ve found this site and are currently reading this text, you may just be in search for a heavenly miracle. Fortunately, there are inspired reads like Lysa Terkeurst’s It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way. This best-selling author of multiple books, and the president of Proverbs 31 Ministries, seeks to provide much needed answers to what happens when we feel let down by God. Christ’s answer to His Father in Luke 22:42, “nevertheless not my bwill, but thine, be done“, come to mind when we struggle to understand the bigger picture. Surrender to God’s will and Focus on What You Can Control.

Best Christian Self Help Books: The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?

the purpose driven life, rick warren

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For by Rick Warren is a witty play on words but also makes you think deeply right off the bat. From this Best Christian Self Help Book the reader can come to know “God’s purpose for creating you”. In turn, this “will reduce your stress, focus your energy, simplify your decisions, give meaning to your life, and most important, prepare you for eternity”. Furthermore, many who may be spiritual but not religious, deep down know that this life is not the end or beginning, for that matter. Once you realized you’re a child of a Creator who loves you and has a purpose for you, life takes on a new meaning. Consequently, this perspective will inevitably guide us through trials and tribulations with more peace and understanding.

Good Things to Come-Jeffrey R Holland

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The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World

the ruthless elimination of hurry, john mark comer, best Christian self help books

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry is on my list of Best Christian Self Help Books because this Good Read is very popular among readers. The concept in and of itself is very interesting, as well as thought provoking. The New York Times Selling Author and pastor John Mark Comer was struggling in life, at least inwardly. Supposedly, he turned to a trusted mentor that gave him inspired counsel: “Ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life. Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life.” John Mark Comer is reported as one who’s always asked questions regarding becoming more like Jesus Christ and how better to experience God’s presence in our lives. Furthermore, the experience of being hurried or too busy seems likely to interfere in our ability to become more Christ-like. Failing to slow down can hinder our ability to listen to God’s spirit.

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

the 5 love languages, the secret to love that lasts

So, even thought The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts falls under the Christian genre, it’s unique to this list of Best Christian Self Help books because it caters, at least in part, to relationships. This timeless classic was first published in 1990 but has been updated to reflect relationships for our current day. With over 20 million copies sold, believers are turning to Gary Chapman’s best-seller for a reason. His 45 years of marriage, as well as more than 40 years being a pastor and a marriage counselor, has definitely made him an expert in the area of success in relationships and love. Furthermore, the author has “expanded his 5 Love Languages series to specifically reach out to teens, singles, men, and children”.

Best Christian Self Help books: One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

One Thousand Gifts, A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are, best christian self help books

And here we are my friends, at the last inspired read on my list of the Best Christian Self Help Books. Ann Voskamp is a “farmer’s wife”, mother and New York Times Best Selling author. At the heart of this Good Read is gratitude for what we have. And as a Christian, living without gratitude seems counterproductive to what it means to be a believer and one who possesses hope. So, for the author Ann, looking for “one thousand gifts” enables the reader, and believer, to more fully see God’s hand in our lives. An attitude of gratitude will more assuredly change a man or woman’s perspective and demeanor. For me this comes down to the glasses through which you see the world. Is it all good or bad or somewhere in the middle?

A Wrap Up to The Best Christian Self Help Books!

As I was wrapping a long day of flying from the west coast, I was drawn to what appeared to be a woman sitting next to me editing some photos. I believe the spirit prompted me to strike up a conversation, which ended up being very open and cordial about family, work and life in general. Moreover, I was prompted to share with her the importance of having a website and blog, since I found she was a freelance photographer. Now, whether or not she heeds the advice is in God’s hands at this point. And what does this experience have to do with an article on the Best Christian Self Help Books? Well, books provide information, inspiration and guidance. And I believe we’re put here on earth to help out our fellow man.

small, red roofed church with a cross on top and a brick wall out front sitting next to the ocean

Now, whether that help comes in the form of a prayer, or simply having a conversation with someone on a flight, listening to the Spirit is how he blesses his children. Here on earth, it’s up to each of us to help those around us. So, listen to your heart and conscience. These impressions, along with inspired books, can make the difference in someone’s life. And having a conversation with a stranger can help reduce the hurry in life and provide more meaning. Life is too short to be rushing. I would like to invite you, the reader, to slow down and be in the moment. Thank you for being here. Please share this article as well as my latest posts on the Best Self Help Audio Books, Comforting Scripture Verses, and The Best Leadership Books of 2023 with someone in need of hope and a positive outlook on life!

Thoughts From the Author

Honestly, this is one of the most enjoyable articles I’ve written! And again, I thank you for spending time from your busy life to be here. My thoughts are that if you’re here on this page, either you or someone you know is looking for answers to the big questions in life. Therefore, I want to recommend some extra content that is dear to my heart. So, in addition to the Best Christian Self Help books, please consider the Best Motivational Audio Books, Best Books for Overthinking, the Best Books for Addiction Recovery, and the Best Positive Mindset Books. In addition to these, two early articles I wrote may be considered controversial but are important topics, nonetheless. They are 5 Steps to Overcoming Porn Addiction, The Best Books On Faith and 7 Reasons to Stop Being Too Nice. Please read, share and message me with feedback! -The Good Guy